Photo of paula echarren Argentina

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Bachelor of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina - 1999. During this period part of the team of sculptors hired for the completion and termination of the towers and facade of the Cathedral of La Plata, and...

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Photo of paula echarren Argentina

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina - 1999. During this period part of the team of sculptors hired for the completion and termination of the towers and facade of the Cathedral of La Plata, and integrates the group of muralists BREA, obtaining prizes in the field. Between 2000 and 2001 lies in Barcelona, where he thematic atmospheres in the ZOO and Aquarium for ARTEC Company. Exhibits and sells watercolors in the sector of the painters of La Rambla in the same city, then travels to Mexico City, Mexico where and perfected in mural art.

A Done samples DFMexico individual and collective, Buenos Aires (Cultural Recoleta Cultural Islas Malvinas C. among others) and Black River (C . Cultural L. Beltran, C. Cultural Viedma, the Hojo Gallery, House of Government of the Province of NB, Power Juducial among others).

He currently resides in C Patagones, Patagonia Argentina, where he has his studio and runs projects personal and public art (the first wall ride Maragatos, located in the historic center of the city and pre-plans for two monuments to deploy in Patagones and Viedma) among others.

He teaches sculpture professor of Tertiary School of Art "Alcides Biagetti" and postgraduate teaching in Public Art School Art Tertiary "Lino Spiimbrergo" Bahia Blanca.

The Municipalidad de Viedma, INTA, Port of San Antonio East Development Agency Register, or FARC, among others, have works by him

. From 1996 to award-winning regional, provincial and Patagonia, sculpture, mural art and drawing.

Public Art

    mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l1 level1 LFO1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> ARTEXPARTE 2010: International Meeting on Public Art in Berazategui, BREA creative group.
  • "ORIGIN", the first wall ride Maragatos.2009 Mural
  • Train Patagonia (mobile cinema, drive-Bariloche Viedma) 2004
  • mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l1 level1 LFO1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> Scenery National Day March 7, C. Patagones.2003 / 4.
  • Atmosphere Research Center Punta theme Bermeja (look for sea lions) 2002/3/4/5
  • Coordinating a mural with students from the School of Theatre Arts in Spain of Patagones.2005
  • mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l1 level1 LFO1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> 2008/9/10 IDEVI EXPO Intervention.
  • 1998 Second Prize, Section mural, COAP Hall, Zarate, Buenos Aires, BREA CREATIVE GROUP. Honorable Mention, sculpture section in the living room of Berisso COAP, La Plata.
  • list 36.0pt "> Ticket Master, Capita Federal.1997
  • 1996 First Prize in the Salesian Centennial mural, Bernal, Buenos Aires, BREA CREATIVE GROUP.
  • · 1996 Honorable Mention in the Plate competition, Salesian Centennial, Bernal, Buenos Aires, BREA CREATIVE GROUP.


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· 2010 Women Award 2010, awarded innovative eaten everything by the Province of Buenos Aires, VISUAL ARTS item.

· 2010 Mention at Salon of Painting "March 7" C. Patagones.

· 2005 First prize Black River Provincial Hall, section drawing, Viedma.

18.0pt; "> · 2002 Honorable Mention, sculpture section at the National Hall of CFI (Patagonian sector) Black River.

· 1999 Honorable Mention, living Berisso COAP Section sculpture Berisso La Plata.

· Roman ""> 1997 First Prize in the V Hall Museum Young Artist Fra Angelico, section

· 1996 Honorable Mention in the First Exhibition of Ceramics and Sculpture (sculpture section) of the Centro Naval, Joint delegation Technique in Space, La Plata.

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